Possibly the most powerful story you’ll ever hear.

Rik Arron
2 min readJun 1, 2023

Just over four years ago, I serendipitously stumbled into the life of 90-year-old Holocaust survivor Sam Gontarz.

As an acquaintance of his son, Robbie, I had offered to help him get his dad’s incredible story down on record as his dad was getting older and his health was on the decline. Robbie told me it was a very important story that needed to be preserved, God forbid anything were to happen to Sam the story would be lost forever.

Naively, I thought the recording of his story would take a couple of hours at best.

I ended up spending almost every Thursday for the next ten months with Sam.

Robbie was right.

The story was one of the most powerful and incredible stories I had ever heard.

The book about our journey together is out today and I am so proud to have been able to ensure Sam’s story is preserved now forever.

I would be so grateful if you would buy a copy of the book, and share the link to as many people as possible. This is a heartfelt and poignant story that the world needs to hear more than ever right now.

You can buy the book HERE. 50% of all proceeds from the book go to Sam’s family.

Thank you

With love


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Rik Arron

These are my head thoughts, my eye visions and my speech words from the less travelled road. www.rikarron.co.uk